Friday, March 11, 2005

read. the. assignment.

Gave back papers in the fairy tales class. One student was upset-- “I don’t understand this”-- because he’d gotten a C for a paper that didn’t comment on any original tale. He said “I was writing my own, that was the assignment.”

No, this was the assignment:

Write a new version of an old tale. For instance, you might retell "Cinderella" from the perspective of one of her stepsisters, or "Hansel and Gretel" in the style of Carter. Your revision should provide insight into the values, themes, or significance of the original.

I read it to him from the syllabus. “Well, it could be a loose interpretation of Hansel and Gretel. . . . I’m really irritated. I put a lot of work into this.”

But it didn’t respond to the assignment.

No doubt he will burn me on the student evaluation form, as not making assignments clear or not grading fairly.
