Here's a couple rebuttals to the panic about liberals in the liberal arts.
Media matters dissects the Washington Post report of a recent study on the topic. The article also notes that education makes people more liberal:
Moreover, available data suggest that highly educated Americans may be more left-leaning than the general population. Exit polls from the November 2004 presidential election indicate that 55 percent of voters who have postgraduate study experience voted for Democrat John Kerry, compared to 44 percent for Republican George W. Bush. (Interestingly, when New Yorker staff writer Nicholas Lemann asked Bush adviser Karl Rove how to identify "who's a Democrat" as opposed to a Republican for a 2003 profile, Rove answered: "Somebody with a doctorate.")
Billmon at the Whiskey Bar puts it all in perspective.
And the Medium Lobster weighs in at Fafblog.