Monday, February 07, 2005

patriotism means no questions

The title of this post is taken from a propaganda remix poster I have on my office door.

Counterpunch has been running a number of good articles about the recent targeting of Ward Churchilland, more generally, of academics pretty much anywhere to the left of Attila the Hun.

Carolyn Baker, writing about her students' future as cannon fodder and Mall-Wart cogs, observes,
Some of us who "profess" to have something to teach in higher education would like to make the demolition of these young psyches and bodies a little less traumatic by telling the truth about their world right now and teaching them how to think, question, problem-solve, and prepare for the increasingly hellish existence that their elders have allowed to evolve. However, when we do so we are called "terrorists", "subversives", "unpatriotic", and "criminal." The degree to which this development parallels the educational scenario of Germany in the 1930s cannot be overstated.

Then again, maybe I'm being unfair to Attila.