Thursday, December 09, 2004

vote, schmote, smote

Well my comrades tell me the vote counting issue was dismissed at the Solidarity meeting not as insufficiently socialist or revolutionary or progressive, but as already taken care of, as not neglected, not the next place to push an analysis or action.

Fair enough.

But isn’t it inconsistent of me to suggest I’m some poststructuralist postmodernist ex-post-positivist, and then the next week or so be saying something is just wrong?

Well, duh.

In other news, more death.

US Marine claims unit killed Iraqi civilians 12/08/04 Agence France-Presse (AFP)

And in other military coverups: Whitewashing torture? A veteran sergeant who told his commanding officers that he witnessed his colleagues torturing Iraqi detainees was strapped to a gurney and flown out of Iraq -- even though there was nothing wrong with him. By David DeBatto. The Department of Defense is currently investigating more than a hundred allegations of prisoner abuse. So far, not a single officer or high-ranking enlisted soldier has been charged in any of them.